Continued from the last post, games I am looking forward to, 2011 update.
White Knight Chronicles 2
Platforms: PS3Release Date: 2011
Hype Level: Medium
I am always looking for games in almost every genre, and one I've not seen a lot lately would be JRPGs, so when the first one was announced I was intrigued, however, it scored medium review scores, never had a demo, and never went too far down in price, I decided I'd wait.
Now, comes the second one, which comes packaged with the first one, updated to remove a lot of the problems that the first one had. Sounds good to me, fingers crossed it's actually a good game.

Release Date: Q3, 2011
Hype Level: Medium

No More Heroes Paradise
Platforms: PS3Release Date: Q3, 2011
Hype Level: Medium
I always wanted to try No More Heroes, it was one of the few Wii games that really called out to me, but since I never owned a Wii, I never had a really good chance to. Since this is coming out on PS3 with move support, I guess I can no longer ignore it. Though I will need to get a Move for it.

Sly 4?
Platforms: PS3?Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium-High
All but confirmed in the Sly Collection, I have been waiting for an official reveal, and will probably have to wait until after inFAMOUS 2 comes out to hear it.
Still I loved the original games and can't wait for more.

Sonic 4: Episode 2
Platforms: PS3, 360, Wii, iOSRelease Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium-High
Having still not played the first Episode, I'm still excited for more. :P Call me a sucker.

Twisted Metal
Platforms: PS3Release Date: 10/4/11
Hype Level: Medium
While I personally am not very good at Twisted Metal, I am looking forward to seeing how this new one turns out. Looks great so far, to me.

Stranger's Wrath
Platforms: PS3Release Date: TBA 2011
Hype Level: Medium
I still own my Xbox copy, but since my 360 doesn't like it, I would need to set up my original Xbox to actually finish the game. Just being able to play it, mixed with all the fixes they've done, makes it seem very worth it to me.

(New Oddworld games)
Platforms: PS3? 360? PC?Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium-High
I love Oddworld, and I was very disappointed with Oddworld Inhabitants stopping making games. I was very happy recently when it came out that they were working with another company to finish the Oddworld series. The only thing I worry about, is if they can keep the same magic.

PixelJunk Lifelike
Platforms: PS3Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium
To be honest, I don't even know what this IS. But PixelJunk Monsters, Eden and Shooter have all been nothing but amazing, so they get the benefit of doubt.
Plus it's really pretty.

Puzzle Agent
Platforms: PS3(Wii, iOS, PC/Mac)Release Date: 4/19/11
Hype Level: Medium
Not sure what to make of this game, the art style looks pretty cool though. I suppose I will try the demo when it comes out for PS3.

Platforms: PS3
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium
Yakuza during a zombie apocalypse? sounds good to me, though I should probably play all the first games first. :P

Shadows of the Damned
Platforms: PS3, 360
Release Date: 6/7/11
Hype Level: Medium
Release Date: 6/7/11
Hype Level: Medium
Another one of those games I think I would probably enjoy watching more than playing.
Made by Suda51 and the some of the people behind Resident Evil, you are a baddass that rides into hell on a motorcycle to rescue his girlfriend. Yeah, pretty much.

Sonic Generations
Platforms: PS3, 360
Release Date: TBA 2011
Hype Level: Medium-Low
Release Date: TBA 2011
Hype Level: Medium-Low
Sega trying to make a sonic game that's a mixture of Sonic Adventure and Sonic 1-3. Sonic is the only playable character. Has 2 gameplay modes, 3D, or 2D.
Only problem is... It's Sonic. Let's see if they can do anything beyond crap. :P

Tomb Raider
Platforms: PS3, 360, PC
Release Date: TBA 2011
Hype Level: Medium-Low
Release Date: TBA 2011
Hype Level: Medium-Low
While I loved the original Tomb Raider games for their amazing level design and puzzles, ever since they decided they were action games, hav they sucked. I am seriously doubting they can pull off anything but crap, but I will still keep an eye on this, just in case.

Mirror's Edge 2
Platforms: PS3?, 360?, PC?
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Wishing for it
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Wishing for it
Since there's been no announcement, and no hints really, this is just wishful thinking. But damnit, I loved the first one, and I will wait for a second one.

Killzone NGP
Platforms: NGP
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High
I really like the Killzone series, I've played all the games, and just really get into the universe, and art design.
So, Killzone on the NGP. :D Yes, very much yes. I did hear it wasn't being made by Guerilla Games, but by Sony's Cambridge studio, which did the very good port of LittleBigPlanet to the PSP, so I have all the faith in the world that it will be great.

LittleBigPlanet 2 NGP
Platforms: NGP
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium-High
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium-High
Another series I love, making it's way to the NGP. Not sure who's developing this one yet, and I haven't played the original LittleBigPlanet 2 yet, but I am already excited for this.

Metal Gear Solid NGP
Platforms: NGP
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High
This could also be the successor to Peace Walker, but I am adding it just in case it's not. I don't mean to mirror what I said about the last 2 games, but hey, it's Metal Gear Solid, on a handheld, with 2 analog sticks. I'm in heaven.

Resistance NGP
Platforms: NGP
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium
This I would be all over, if there wasn't 2 facts against it. A, like I mentioned before, I wasn't a fan of Resistance 2, and I don't know which this game will take after; and B, It's made by the company that ruined Playstaion Move Heroes. Bleah...
Still, I am keeping my eye on it.

Uncharted NGP
Platforms: NGP
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High!!
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High!!
Okay, Uncharted on a handheld with 2 analog sticks was a dream game of mine for a while. I always wanted a adventure/exploring game on a handheld as such. This is just awesomely awesome.
Just, yes.
So, there you have it, that's my (long) list. Let me know if I forgot anything. In the mean time, I need to find a quicker way to make money! Egads!
Have fun gaming this year.
Have fun gaming this year.
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