So last year a made a list of games I was looking forward to. I think you all remember that, seeing as it's only been a few posts ago. :/
Anyways, I thought I'd go over what came out, then update it for the new year!
So, for the games that came out:
This game pretty much was what I expected it to be, a re-release of the old game, and not much to write home about, besides the new coop missions, which were quite fun, albeit simple.
Perhaps not worth full asking price, but if you're a fan, pick it up on a sale.
This game in many ways exceeded my expectations, and in some ways did not.
Starting off, this game feels much more production value-y than Portable Ops (Which I loved), and felt like a real Metal Gear game. Some of the streamlining to the Metal Gear setup though, I felt went too far. The codec is reduced even more than in MGS4, the story feels very quick, probably due to the lack of codec conversations, and pretty much any ingame cutscenes. The short length of the cutscenes was a great move for a portable Metal Gear Solid game, but in the end makes things feel really strange 'oh, I just met this guy, let's work together' ect.
Still in the end, it's greatest achievement is length, while the campaign is decently long, the amount of time it takes to unlock everything, and complete all the side missions is somewhere close to (my guess, as I've not done it yet) 70 - 100 hours. While that's fine for an RPG, it's amazing that this is a shooting game with very non gameplay intrusive RPG elements. I still haven't gotten board of it, having dumped nearly 60 hours in.
Multiplayer is disappointing in the fact that it only has LAN play, and no online, as the multiplayer is a whole lot of fun, and feels more fair, than say, Portable Ops. The COOPs are what makes it though, they work as well as advertised, and really mesh well with the while MGS experience, I can see myself playing this coop for much time to come.
I wasn't quite sure what to expect, having loved Kingdom Hearts, but not really liked any of the games since. This game however really hit it in the right places for most of the time, making fixes to a lot of broken changes in the formula since the original game.
The graphics are amazing for a handheld with lots of special effects, good animations, lip syncing and character models.
Gameplay is actually quite fun, reminding me a little of FFVII with it's magic system, and Kingdom Hearts 1 with a few choice pulls from Kingdom Hearts 2.
Storywise, it fluctuates, sometimes it feels to par with Kingdom Hearts 1, sometimes it falls to below Kingdom Hearts 2. Overall, it stayed good enough to keep me entertained.
I still haven't finished all 3 stories, but I have enjoyed my stay in the kingdom hearts world again. :)
I loved Killzone 1 despite it's problems, and thoroughly enjoyed the PSP game. Killzone 2 I really did love as well, though I missed a lot of elements which were not present from the old games; Characters, weapons, locations, plot points, ect.
(I haven't finished it yet) But Killzone 3 seems to be a good half-way return to form, with the story taking more of a focus, and the graphics and gameplay somehow being *better* than they were in Killzone 2.
Killzone 3, like 2 before it, borrows a lot from other FPS, but does so in a way to take just the best elements, making it still feel fresh, and just fun to play.
Jetpacks though, you mention them and Halo in the same sentence and I will remind you Killzone for PSP had the jetpacks in 2005, 5 years before Halo: Reach.
Plus the made Rico less of a douche. Bravo x2
Haven't played it yet. D:
Hmm, hard to say. I liked Halo: Reach, but the campaign ended up being really badly done, with only a few parts feeling anything unique. Some of the new stuff was really cool; driving random vehicles, knife kills, ect, but it didn't really leave much of an impression on me in the end.
I think one of my biggest gripes outside the badly done campaign, is that you can only run if you have the run armor ability, which I think is a bad design choice, it made me pretty much only use other abilities when I had to, saving run for dodging enemies, and vehicles, as well as dashing to cover.
Really, in the end, I almost forget that I own it, it really didn't leave me with much more than "it's a well put together game with not much spirit" Coop, forge, and firefight are decent, but really, I didn't have the urge to play them after about 2 weeks, or less.
Only watched this played, but it seems like Fallout 3 with some much needed improvements, but lacking some of the interestingness of Fallout 3's locations.
Maybe I will say more later on, once I've tried it more.
Haven't tried it, still looks.. uh, interesting, I suppose, though a bit generic.
I've just gotten access to this, but wow, this game looks really amazing, reminding me of maybe a more serious version of Jak and Daxter or something, with bright and colorful landscapes and characters, I can't wait to see more.
Only played the demo, looking forward to playing more, but at the same time, I wish they'd fix the physics and animations a little.
Platforms: PS3, 360, PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad
Release Date: Summer 2010
Hype Level: High
While the special edition of the first one, voice acting aside, felt like a very good fan remake, this really pushes it, taking it to much higher levels of quality, if you enjoyed the original, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
I noticed other people complained about the optional analog stick movement, but I really liked it, and wasn't able to easily go back to the first after playing it that way.
I haven't finished it though.
Haven't played it yet. :(
I played the demo, and it seemed okay, not quite to par with the amazing original. I also realized it might be harder for me to get into it, as I enjoyed playing the first one with other people, and handhelds don't so much lend themselves to that.
So that's all the games that came out on my old list, now what about the games still not out?
Platforms: PS3, 360, PC
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High(Then/Now)
What I said then:
"I loved Beyond Good and Evil 1, I couldn't wait to see more of the universe. when BG&E2 was announced, I nearly spit my metaphorical coffee onto my computer screen, I was so happy.
The only issue I have so far, is that it feels like it might be a little more 'realistic', but I have complete faith in the developers. Make it happen."
What I say now:
Still waiting, and I will keep waiting as long as the game is coming. I hear he's making it with a smaller team, to encourage creative thinking, kudos!
Platforms: PS3
Release Date: Rumor
Hype Level: Cautious(Then), High(Now)
*(Fake Cover art)*
What I said then:
"This is not announced, but heavily rumored. Still, an HD Shadow of the Colossus with no frame-rate problems along with an ICO with a camera mapped to the right joystick, padded both games with trophies.
That sounds like a dream come true.
I am still worried this will never surface, or wont include the above fixes..."
What I say now:
Well, it was announced, it includes optional 3D support, gameplay locked at 30FPS, 1080p, european ICO ending included, Trophies, ect. Sounds great to me!
Platoforms: PS3
Release Date: 2011?
Hype Level: Medium-High(Then), High(Now)
What I said then:
"I loved Shadow of the Colossus, I liked ICO, but I had some issues with it. Overall though, both games were amazing. Anything made by the same people is automatically in my hyped games list.
I am a little worried since there isn't much information yet, I don't know what kind of game it's going to be.."
What I say now:
The game looks to be a mixture of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, and that sounds great to me, now that it's coming out this year, I can really start being excited.

Platforms: PS3
Release Date: TBA 2011
Hype Level: Medium-High(Then/Now)
What I said then:
"I liked the first game a lot, after playing the demo, it surprised me how much I enjoyed the game. I almost feel like playing it again, it's good stuff. The ending also made me excited for any other games in the series.
My wish was granted via the announcement recently.
Only worry is that there isn't much info yet, and it could end up being very different then the first."
What I say now:
Well, more information is released, and it's mixed in my opinion. I am not sold on the 2 people representing Cole's good and evil continence, or the new voice actor; but the mission editor alone makes it all sound worth it.

Driver: San Francisco
Platforms: PS3, 360, PC, Mac
Release Date: Not sure yet
Hype Level: Medium-High(Then), Medium(Now)
What I said then:
"I loved Driver 1-3, as gltichy and problematic as they were, I enjoyed 100s of hours on them, playing the mini games and free-roaming. The driving in driver spoiled me so much over every other free roaming game, in a way that nothing else has done driving wise.
Driver: Parallel Lines was a good game, but a very different one. Kinda not a direction I liked, truth be told, even if I did quite enjoy the game.
I am a bit worried as there is no info for the game yet, but as they announced the return of Tanner, I am quite happy. :)"
What I say now:
Well it was formally announced, finally, then delayed. I am kinda glad on the delay, since it seemed like it could use some more work.
The shift concept sounds like a ton of fun, but at the same time, I will miss walking around to explore the city enough that I am worried about this game.
(The shift is an ability to let you immediately shift into any car in the city, so if you are chasing someone, and you can't catch up, shift to a semi in oncoming, and crash into them. Or if you are just driving about, and suddenly you see a police chase, shift into a police car, and finish chasing the person down. Seems interesting, but can it hold the game?)
Platforms: PS3, 360, PC, Mac
Release Date: TBA 2011
Hype Level: Medium(Then), Medium-High(Now)
What I said then:
"I've never really liked ID's games, sure they were influential, but not my style. However when I saw a game described to me as a mixture of Fallout 3 and MotorStorm, I was excited, and the visuals really back up the excitement.
I however, feel this has a large chance of turning out sour. Also, I've never liked ID's games before, this might just be really not my style."
What I say now:
As it draws closer to release, it's still hard to pin down exactly what the game will be like, but in the mean time, the trailers they've shown really seem pretty cool. Here's hoping for a demo.

Red Faction: Armageddon
Platforms: PS3, 360, PC
Release Date: March 2011
Hype level: Medium(Then/Now)
What I said then:
"I loved Red Faction 1, RF2 was alright, kinda a step in the wrong direction, Red Faction: Guerilla was... Interesting, it was good in a different way, but didn't feel a lot like the old Red Factions.
Red Faction: Armageddon has a good chance of falling into genericy, with the direction they are taking it. At the same time, I wasn't sure Red Faction: Guerilla would be worth playing..."
What I say now:
Who knows, they aren't doing versus multiplayer, maybe they really are taking the time to make the single player better... Though, there was that downloadable RF game, ugg,
Platforms: PS3, 360, PC
Release Date: Possibly early 2011?
Hype Level: High
What I said then:
"I only started playing American McGee's Alice (1) recently, and am loving it. I still haven't beaten it, but I can't even imagine how amazing a game in this world would be with modern technology. Seems like a Win to me.
Only thing that worries me, American McGee's last few games have been less than amazing, I hope he's not lost his touch."
What I say now:
I still haven't finished the first, but I am still excited just as much.
Platforms: 360? PC? PS3? Mac?
Release Date: Maybe... Someday...
Hype Level: Uh...
What I said then:
"While I didn't thing Half-Life 2 was all that amazing, I did enjoy the story, and with the ending of Half-Life 2: Episode 2, I feel very cheated to be waiting this long, and still not have heard even whispers about this game.
I am curious if, at this rate, we will ever see it. Also, if we do, I am worried it wont be on PS3..."
What I say now:
Well, when they make a PS3 version, I know it wont get the shaft, now just to wait until the end of time; Valve Time.

Portal 2
Platforms: 360, PC, Mac, PS3
Release Date: 4/19/2011
Hype Level: Medium-High(Then), High(Now
What I said then:
"I absolutely loved the first. Great idea, great execution, amazing overall. I did feel like they could have done a little more with the concept, but it didn't distract me from enjoying it a lot.
I am a little worried that Portal 2, being a full length game might get old before you get to the end, and I don't know if they can pull off the quality of the first. I did however like the look of the game. I am kinda worried it wont be on PS3..."
What I say now:
The PS3 version is the definitive version, who'd have thunk it... Also, split screen, 2 campagins, sign me up. Though it feels weird listing this here, when it comes out tomorrow. :P
Platforms: PS3? 360? Wii? PSP? DS? PC? iPhone?
Release Date: Late 2011
Hype Level: (waiting)
What I said then:
"I love Tintin so much, I've read and own all the books, and have watched all the episodes of the show. I've read pages of info on the books online, read behind the scenes books, and listened to audio dramas.
While there have been Tintin games before, none of them were that notable, and I cannot wait to see if this new game breaks that.
I am worried as I've not seen what the movie will be like yet, and this is a movie game, it could end up being rushed. Also, it could end up being a puzzle game, or something that ends up being just not good. There are too many 'ifs' right now."
What I say now:
The first screenshots of the film are out, and I'm very excited, hopefully the game and movie turn out well.
Diablo III
Platforms: PC, Mac
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium-High(Then), Medium(Now)
What I said then:
"I loved Diablo 2 very very much. I was in the top 20 scoreboard online for a short time, and played it a great deal. I've probably beaten in 7 or more times. I still go back and play Diablo 2 from time to time, in fact.
Diablo 3 looks... Different. I am leaning towards in a worse way. It looks much less dark, and more WoW-y. I hated the artstyle of WoW, and liked how dark the original 2 Diablo games were. I also don't like the look of the combat compared to the original games. Lastly, I am worried I wont be able to play it when it comes out."
What I say now:
I really wonder about some of the changes. Sure World of Warcraft is successful, but you don't need to turn Diablo into WoW: Hack 'n Slash Edition. Hopes are lower, but fingers are crossed.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Platforms: PS3, (360, Rumored)
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium-High(Then/Now)
What I said then:
"I liked Final Fantasy VI, VII and IX, but haven't really enjoyed many of the others (I liked the look of XIII, but haven't played it yet). Since it was first showed though, I really like the look of this game, a more realistic world and darker story.
I can't say that much, because there's not much known about it yet.
I am a bit worried it will end up just not being fun."
What I say now:
I've been playing through Final Fantasy XIII, and I can't wait to see another game using an updated version of the same engine, with a world map, airship/s, towns, ect. The gameplay trailer looks really good, too. I am excited for this one.
So that's the end of my original list. What about new games since then?

Child of Eden
Platforms: PS3, 360
Release Date: Summer 2011
Hype Level: High
The spiritual sequel to REZ, Child of Eden is going with a much more vibrant and natural look, with music by the Genki Rockets, and overall awesomeness, the only issue I have is Kinect Control, but no Playstation Move support.
Alas, I will still get it. :)

Platforms: PS3
Release Date: Summer 2011
Hype Level: High
A game by the company that made one of my favorite games ever, Flower, in the graphical style of Team Ico? Wowz.
The multiplayer component sounds very original and interesting too. You don't join games or anything, you just walk around, and run into other people. You never see who you are playing with, and you can't communicate with them in any way. Kinda like a magical ICO kinda Journey with real people.

Metal Gear Solid 3DS
Platforms: 3DS
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium-Low
I am mostly interested in what they would do with this. I feel putting it on a system with 1 analog stick would be like taking steps backwards. Also, there was rumors for coops. hmm
I don't know how good MGS3 would be broken up like Peace Walker, and I also don't know how well the MGS3 levels are set up for coop.
And finally, where's my MGS3 online? Please don't tell me that the 3Ds will get the replacement for MGS3 PS2's online. D:

MotorStorm: Apocalypse
Platforms: PS3
Release Date: 5/3/11
Hype Level: Medium-High
I always liked MotorStorm, it's kinda like the spiritual successor to Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer.
This game however pulls out now stops, with the races taking place during the apocalypse, and everything changing all the time, maybe you will have a building falling on you, maybe you will fall through the ground into the subway, better think on your feet.
Also, split screen, 4 player split screennnn!

Ninokuni (The Another World)
Platforms: PS3
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: Medium-High
STUDIO GHILBI THE GAME. Okay, seriously, two of my favor things come together? How could I not be excited?
Well, the combat looks like it might not appeal to me, I will hope it turns out to, though.

Resistance 3
Platforms: PS3
Release Date: 9/6/2011
Hype Level: Medium-High
I wasn't a huge fan of Resistance 2, and the direction the series was going in. It seems Insomniac was listening, because they brought back the weapon wheel, health packs, campagin coop, and more.
I am still wary, but excited nevertheless.
Some things stand out to me, that are worrisome. Main character is an unlikable character from R2, graphics aren't very impressive, multiplayer looks like it's playing copycat, COOP RPG from Resistance 2 is missing. Who knows though.