Platform: PS3/360
Release Date: November 11th, 2008.
Hype Level: High
I am extremely excited for this game, after seeing the first screenshots of the game, I knew it looked like a game I would enjoy. It looks highly original, fun, and exciting. I like how the combat looks, and that it's not so gun-based.
Hopefully this game will live up to my expectations, I guess I'll find out when the demo hits tomorrow.

Platform: PS3
Release Date: November 4th, 2008.
Hype Level: Medium.
I know, you're looking at me, Naruto? Hear me out though. When I first heard of this game, it was in the form of pictures, and gosh they looked pretty, I thought they were going to fake, they just looked too good. It turns out the game really looks that good. But that's not it, it also is pretty fin to play, being very different from most fighting games in the demo.
I think it will probably live up to my expectations, having play the demo, and having only medium expectations for it.

Platform: PS3.
Release Date: November 4th, 2008.
Hype Level: High.
I bought the original as the first game I got for my PS3. I loved it, it had Co-Op, a great single player, good mulitplayer split screen, good online, and a lot of replay value. I played through it many time, and had a blast doing such.
I have played 2 betas for Resistance 2, and although I don't quite like the direction the game is going, I still am really excited about it. I just wish it had the same type of Co-Op as the original.

Platform: PS3
Release Date: November 4th, 2008.
Hype Level: Medium.
When I first saw this game, my breath was taken away, it is worlds beyond beautiful, the trailers showed it. The gameplay of a 3rd Person RPG/Shooter sounded amazing. In general it looks great.
The demo was amazing, I played it over and over again. The gameplay seems really good, I wish I could try some over levels. The dubbing was alright, and the lip syncing was really bad. In general I will probably buy this much later, but I still really want it.

Platforms: PS3/360/Wii
Release Date: December 12th.
Hype Level: Low
Sonic. That's all I need to say. Everyone knows what happened to this hedgehog,
he went downhill so much, he's pretty much become a joke. This however is trying to be a return to roots, with lots of 2D sections, and speed.
I am being cautiously optimistic, I can see this being fun, but I can also see it crash and burn.

Platforms: PS3/360
Release Date: January 13th, 2009
Hype Level: High.
Battlefront + Lord of the Rings. If you can't see the success waiting to happen here.... Honestly, this sounds like one of the best ideas ever.
Though, from the gameplay videos it only looks alright, I am pretty confident it will be amazing.

Platforms: Ps3/360/PC?
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High
I impulse bought the first Beyond Good and Evil, and thought it was one the best games I had played in a long time. I love it, and probably would put in my list of top games ever.
I don't know about the setting judging by the trailer, however, judging by the first one, it wil be amazing.

Platforms: PS3/360/PC?
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High
I have always loved the Driver games, as probably my favorite free roaming game series. The second one was amazing, and the third one, although glitchy and unfinished, I found to be amazingly fun. Parallel Lines took the series in a different direction I didn't like. I still found it to be fun though.
Driver '76 was really bad though, I am just hoping the next Driver game is good. Though I'm staying a little cautious.

Platforms: PS3
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High
Made by the same people as the PSN game, fl0w, this game looks very peaceful, and calming.
It will probably be amazing, I just hope it doesn't cost *too* much.

Platforms: PS3
Release Date: Second Quarter 2009.
Hype Level: High.
This game has looked amazing to me since it was first announced, I just love it. It sounds like an amazing idea, and I want wait for it to come out.
The game looks like it could fall into the fun idea, but gets boring after a while. We'll see.

Killzone 2
Platform: PS3
Release Date: February 2009.
Hype Level: High.
This may be the game I am the most looking forward to, after the first game, and the PSP title, I have been looking forward to revisiting the Killzone universe. This game looks absolutely amazing.
I'm worried it wont have any split screen, this really, really, worries me, because split screen is like 50% of why I play FPSes.

Platform: PS3
Release Date: Before 2009
Hype Level: High.
Though this is not technically a game, it's close enough. A open world matchmaking service for Sony's PS3, this looks like a great way to kill time, and the best way to ever experience gaming trade shows.
Though this looks almost fool proof, it might fall into the not drawing people in, and being too boring, but I don't think it will. Seeing TGS in Home through screenshots was just amazing.

Platforms: PS3/360/PC
Release Date: 2009
Hype Level: High.
I loved the first 2 games, though the first I thought was the best. This game's destruction looks so amazing, I could see myself playing this for hours just to screw around with the destruction.
Though, the new third person view point, free roaming, and no tunneling. It sounds like it could fail compared to say, Mercenaries 2.

Platforms: PS3/360
Release Date: Quarter 1, 2009.
Hype Level: High.
This game has the coolest art direction ever, following something along the lines of Sin City, with areas being colorful and not. I saw the first trailer and thought it was amazing, I can't wait for new info.
Having looked deeper into the game, and seen that it looks a little too much like Assassin's Creed, which I highly disliked. However, I will still give it a chance, because it looks so awesome.

Platforms: PS3/360/PC.
Release Date:
Hype Level: Medium.
I was never good at the street fighter series, but they do bring back memories, and this new one looks like a lot of fun. I like that they are making it similar to Street Fighter II, but with lots of new stuff.
However, the new graphics are kind of ugly, I guess I will have to try it at some point.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
Platforms: PS3/360
Release Date: Before 2009.
Hype Level: High.
I have been looking forward to this since it was announced, not only is it a good remake, but a good way to remake it.
It could end up costing too much, but in general, it will probably be amazing.

Team ICO PS3 Project
Platforms: PS3
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High.
I loved Shadow of the Colossus, and ICO, I know this game will be amazing, no matter what it's about.
I don't think there's much of a chance that this game will be bad.

White Knight Chronicles
Platforms: PS3
Release Date: TBA 2009
Hype Level: Medium.
Take the best Japanese RPGs, mix them with the best RPGs from the west, then make it have a good story, and multiplayer. Tell me that is not a winning formula.
The only reason I am not hyped more, is because I don't know all that much about it.

Alan Wake
Platforms: 360.
Release Date: TBA 2009?
Hype Level: High
Alan Wake, the 360 exclusive I was always jealous of, now I will be able to get it at some point. A game made by the people that made Max Payne, with a great concept. You are the horror writer, Alan Wake, who falls in love with a girl and starts writing really well, until one day she disappears, and he can't write anymore, he gets insomnia, and moves out to a small town in the middle of nowhere, where everything works out.... For a while, until things start to go very wrong, all the stories he writes start to come true, but is he just imagining it?
The latest trailer looked wonderful, but the character models could use a lot of work. Also it looks scarier then I might be willing to play.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
Platforms: PSP
Release Date: TBA 2009
Hype Level: High.
A Kingdom Hearts prequel set to explain the series better, like were the bad guys came from and such. Sign me up. It looks amazing, and is suppose to be the next biggest Kingdom Hearts game until Kingdom Hearts 3.
The game is going with a card like system, which is the worst thing I can see about it. That and you don't play as Sora, still it looks to be quite good. I am very excited for it.

Platforms: PSP
Release Date: TBA
Hype Level: High.
The closest thing we will ever get to Final Fantasy Smash Brothers. And that's a good thing, the combat is more like Kingdom Hearts, but vs, and it has a hero and villian from Final Fantasy 1-X, and a story mode.
The game looks astounding, but the combat is where the fun will lie, and I haven't tried it yet.

Resistance Retribution
Platforms: PSP
Release Date: Quarter 2, 2009.
Hype Level: High.
This game was one I was hoping for, but never expected it to come true, it Has so many features, and just sounds so amazing overall. And it's made by Sony Bend, who made some of the best PSP games so far.
The only things I don't really like about what I've seen is the lock on, and the 3rd person view. I still am so, so, so excited for this game.

Platforms: PS2
Release Date: December 2nd, 2008.
Hype Level: High.
I played the original Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, but I've wanted a way to play it on the TV since I first played it, and this will be a great excuse.
It's still a card based game, but I will find a way to have fun with it.
So, What are your most anticipated games?
I think Return to Dark Castle is still at the top of my most-anticipated list. Old habits are hard to break...
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